chest xray results


I'm having my chest xray this morning and although i feel ok about it i'm terrfied of the results.  I'm worried about lung and bone cancer but i do have severe health anxiety.  I had a spirometer recently which was normal which helped a littile.  I lost my cousin to lung cancer last year she passed away in 2 weeks and didn't smoke!  If something was serious about my heart or lungs will they not contact me before next week? If it was an enlarged heart or fluid inthe lungs.

Sorry feeling very anxious and upset as I have 2 kids 


  • Hello Bear3 and thanks for the post

    I hope your x-ray went well this morning, and appreciate what an anxious time this must be for you.

    Unfortunately until the results are in there is no way of knowing what the test will show. Keeping yourself busy whilst you wait and your mind pre occupied with other things can help.

    I don't know if the x-ray department gave you an idea about wait times to get the results back as these can vary between hospitals.

    Hearing something quickly doesn't always mean something serious is going on but at the same time having to wait longer doesn't always mean everything is ok either. The time it takes to get a radiologist to look at and report on the xray and the doctor who arranged this getting the result can vary greatly I'm afraid, which may not help you at this time.

    I hope you do know more very soon and that everything will be okay.

    In the meantime website has some information on how to ease worry when waiting for medical test results that may be useful to read.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care


  • Received a friendship request from you but I declined as I find it so difficult to use. Happy to communicate here though.

    I read your post and sorry that you are feeling so anxious. Waiting for results is so hard and I can understand that you'd be worried as your cousin passed away from lung cancer. You didn't say why you'd had a chest x-ray. 

    Best wishes Sharon 

  • Offline in reply to Sharza

    Hello its ok thank you for getting back to me.  I completely understand.