Lung cancer ?

My husband has been poorly for a while..he's been having extremely bad coughing fits. Clear mucus (extreme amount) 

It was so bad we rang 999 at 1130pm at night, we even had to get the dfib from the shop

2   came, lots of assessments done, husband refused to go into hospital bit agreed to see the gp

Struggling to breath,  bad cough , horse voice, extreme weight loss, profound sweating at night for many months, chest pain, pain in his back and shoulder. 

He was given antique and steroids and an inhaler 

6 days layer give the same meds again.

He had bloods and an xray. No answers. He still isn't right and tonight he mentions lung cancer.

We don't know how to ask to be seen for this / tested ?

Or would the xray and bloods have picked it up please ?

Thankyou for reading. 

Kind regards 


  • Offline in reply to Nbw

    My husband was a complete wreck. Perfectly normal.

    It's been a long wait but I'm glad you persevered. Your husband is fortunate to have you by his side.

    Will be thinking about you tomorrow and Wednesday and pray all will be well. Appreciate the update.

    Best wishes Sharon x

  • Hi there and thanks for updating us about your husband.

    I am sorry to hear it has taken this long to get where you are now and as others has said it is natural to be very worried.

    It is good to hear the results from the scan should be back by next week so hopefully you will have some answers very soon.

    Everyone undergoing tests ( and their loved ones)  will handle or show their emotions (or not) in different ways and that is okay.

    Take care of yourself and you know we are all here for you.

    Hope today goes well.

    Best wishes to you both


  • Evening ladies and gentlemen. 

    Diagnosis was COPD and emphysema,  with black spots of Bullea on the ct slides. More bloods done, spirometry test and other tests in place. But she said it wasn't cancer. 

    He is only 41, referred to smoking sensation and she said they issue vapes to help stop smoking..I was mortified !!! 

    I thought these were bad for you, a family member died from popcorn lung from these ! 

    So I'm in a state of confusion.  I obviously read up Bullea on Google and got confused again, if anyone could elaborate the meaning, is bullea cancerous?  The episode he had in June was apparently one of the bullea spots making him poorly? Sorry there was so much information to absorb. 

    Thankyou for all your well wishes (I've just finished work , sorry for the late reply) xxx

  • Offline in reply to Nbw

    So glad you have a diagnosis now.  I googled bullea and am confident it's not cancerous.  The definition I got was "Bullae are ballooned areas caused by weakness on the surface of the lung. If they burst they can cause a collapse of the lung (pneumothorax)"  Personally,  I would stay away from vapes, but yes, they do usdue to help stop smoking.  I'm sure my friend said that most people stop vaping after a few weeks.  I guess it is better than smoking.  I am assuming that your husband has been isssed with inhalers to help with his breathing ?

  • Offline in reply to Nbw

    So glad you have a diagnosis & that it isn’t cancer - hopefully your husband will get the treatment he needs for the condition he has been diagnosed with.  I can’t really comment on the vapes versus cigarettes having never done either.  Wishing you both all the very best.

  • Offline in reply to Nbw

    Well, I'm delighted that it's not lung cancer and at last you've got a proper diagnosis after persevering.

    Best thing your husband can do now is to stop smoking.

    Wishing you well x

  • Hello and thank you for your post,

    A bullae is not cancer, it is an area of small air-filled sacs that can appear on the lung, from what I see it can be caused by emphysema.

    I can appreciate your concern about vapes. However, the current understanding is that it is safer than smoking and can be the best way for someone to stop smoking.  Smoking is very harmful as it can cause cancer and chronic lung conditions.  We have information about vaping on our website, it gives information about what we know about it.  

    You might find it also helpful to look at the information about COPD on the NHS website, this also gives information about emphysema. 

    Take care,
