Lung cancer ?

My husband has been poorly for a while..he's been having extremely bad coughing fits. Clear mucus (extreme amount) 

It was so bad we rang 999 at 1130pm at night, we even had to get the dfib from the shop

2   came, lots of assessments done, husband refused to go into hospital bit agreed to see the gp

Struggling to breath,  bad cough , horse voice, extreme weight loss, profound sweating at night for many months, chest pain, pain in his back and shoulder. 

He was given antique and steroids and an inhaler 

6 days layer give the same meds again.

He had bloods and an xray. No answers. He still isn't right and tonight he mentions lung cancer.

We don't know how to ask to be seen for this / tested ?

Or would the xray and bloods have picked it up please ?

Thankyou for reading. 

Kind regards 


  • Offline in reply to Sharza

    Thank god you've got your life back. Thank-you for your message,  fingers crossed it's nothing. I'll keep pushing for tests. Xx

  • Offline in reply to Nbw

    Good - hope your husband has the tests he needs and that you get to the bottom of what's wrong. 

    He's fortunate to have you there. It must be very stressful for you and do make sure you take care of yourself. 

    Best wishes x

  • Offline in reply to Sharza

    Hi Sharza

    Can I ask if you were offered radiotherapy?   My husband has a 10cm sarcoma in the upper part of his lung and he has to decide between radiotherapy and surgery.  We really don't know which option to choose. He had radiotherapy for the original sarcoma back in 2021 followed by surgey to remove the necrotic tissue and we were expecting the same this time.  

  • Offline in reply to Crab67

    Gosh - that's tricky.

    I was only offered surgery as they thought they could remove the tumour entirely without the need for radiotherapy.

    My tumour was adenocarcinoma not a sarcoma.

    Sorry not to be more helpful. All I can suggest is that you discuss the pros and cons of each. Hope you get the answers you need to make the best decision. 

  • Offline in reply to Crab67

    PS - I had a lobectomy.

  • Offline in reply to Sharza

    Thank you. We have an appointment with surgeon next week to discuss possible surgery.  The consultant at the cancer centre wasn't much help and didn't discuss the radiotherapy option in much detail.  How did you find the surgery and recovery after?  I think the idea of lung surgery is quite scary at the moment. 

  •  I would suggest your husband leaves a message (or makes an appointment) with his GP to ask the GP to request the chest Xray be rechecked for any signs of lung cancer and also discuss the ongoing symptoms and what the next steps are.

    For his own peace of mind he needs to make that appointment or give you permission to make that appointment.   I hope you and your husband get to the bottom of this 

  • Offline in reply to Crab67

    Well, I was fortunate to be dealt with by an excellent surgeon at a wonderful London hospital. It all went very well (op on Wednesday, home on Saturday and making lunch on Sunday).

    My recovery has been fine - I went back to Zumba around 2 months after the surgery and I feel fine now.

    I wasn't scared as I trusted my surgeons and medical team to take good care of me and they did and continue to do so. I'm very grateful.

    Wishing you all the best

  • Offline in reply to Sharza

    Thank you.  That is more reassuring that what we have read online and imagined.  So pleased everything has gone so well and wishing you a continued recovery.  X

  • Offline in reply to Crab67

    Google can be frightening but it's also educational.

    Thank you for your kind wishes hope all goes well with you.
