
I had a colonoscopy yesterday and told them to stop. I couldn't tolerate the pain. The sedation was woefully inadequate. NHS do not seem to read your notes properly and this would have said that since 2012 I have had two colonoscopies under sedation which were stopped and since then I had them under GA.  I had a therapeutic colonoscopy last year and was heavily sedated for two hours and precancerous polyps removed I didn't feel a thing.  I am so annoyed and traumatised by yesterday I thought they would do the same level of sedation. A total waste of time and money for the NHS.  I now have to have a GA and have no idea how long this will take plus going through that awful prep again.  I am no princess the pain was terrible and I was not scared to say no more.  Why don't they read your records and tie things up with previous treatments.  

  • Hi SuzyQueue and thank you for posting,

    I am sorry to learn of your situation and that your last colonoscopy was so painful and had to be stopped. It sounds like it was a difficult experience for you.

    I can understand your frustration especially when you were given general anaesthetics with previous scopes and good sedation last time. Not being part of the NHS I cannot explain why you were not given adequate sedation this time or whether or not your previous notes were seen and taken into account.

    If it is helpful it might be worth contacting your local Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) who offer support and information to patients. They are a confidential service that can listen to your concerns and look into this further for you. You can find your local PALS on the NHS website.

    Do come back to us if there is any more information or support that you need. You may like to give one of our nurses on the helpline a call. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care, all the best


  • Thank you Jemna for your response.  I was not having a go at Cancer Research but just feel so frustrated by the NHS and wanted people to know and not be afraid to say NO MORE if they are in pain and distress. Thanks for your advice I will think about this. Very kind regards