Bowel cancer

Hi I've had bowel cancer which spread to my lungs. I had a wedge taken out of each lung. Then this year my rib broke a biopsy confirmed it was colon cancer again. I have just had 2 ribs out and some muscle in that area. 

My oncology Dr wants me to have a strong course of chemotherapy. I'm really not wanting this as I was so ill on the chemo that I had when my cancer was first diagnosed in 2019. I asked about other treatments, but she said I could only have chemotherapy.

 Is there any other options that I have apart from chemotherapy 

Kind regards 


  • Hello Join and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about your situation.

    I can understand how difficult this must be as you are still remembering the side effects of the treatment that you had last time.

    I am not sure what chemotherapy you had in 2019 but it may be different from the chemotherapy that you are being offered this time.

    We have a list of drugs that can be given when a cancer has spread but we can't really advise on what would work best for you as we are not involved in your medical care.

    You can see the different treatments that you may be offered.

    Targeted and immunotherapy drugs are usually offered to patients when they have certain mutations so they don't work for everyone but you could ask your doctor about these.

    I would discuss the concerns that you have about being ill with the treatment. They may be able to increase your anti sickness drugs so you can help manage the effects. You could always try a course of treatment to see how you get on and then discontinue it if you are finding it too difficult to cope with.

    We have a page on our website about ways of controlling sickness

    I can understand that these are very difficult decisions.

    If you would like to talk any of this through with one of the helpline nurses then you are welcome to give us a ring.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best,
