Nocturnal Back pain and confusion with nausia and not eating.

Hello everyone.

I am writing here as I am exhasperated  and exhausted of going round and round in circles trying to get some help for my mum.

Mum is 74 and has Lynch Syndrome which has not been kind, she has had Bowel Cancer twice, second time leaving her with an ilieostomy bag, as well as Endomietrial Cancer having a full hystorectomy at the same time as the ilieostomy.

Around 7 weeks ago she had a bad fall causing injury and pain to her neck and arms. Some weeks later she has developed mid/lower back pain which is worse at night. Last night on a scale of 0-10 for pain she said 10, now with her cancer history as well as a near fatal case of sepsis 11 years ago, unfortunately pain has not been a stranger to her, so for her to say 10 is very worrying. I gave her 2 x 50mg tramadol tablets which barely helped.

She is always feeling sick and I cannot get her to eat. She has had a sodium and potassium deficiency which has been treated by iv and tablets and a back x ray in hospital but they missed the part that hurts. They were going to do an mri on the back but ended up not doing so.

She is incredibly confused at all times and really has no idea most of the time whats going on. I cannot help but fear there is some underlying problem going on here thats not been picked up? The issue is even more difficult to find help as I live 100 miles from mum and have had to bring her home with me as she is not capable of looking after herself, meaning we are 100 miles from her gp, and my gp is not interested in taking her as a temporary resident.

We have spent hours in a and e over the last 2 weeks and I can only feel that I will have to go back down that route this evening. I just dont know what to do and how to help her and its breaking my heart. I just want some suggestions as to whether you think there could be cancer present in her back and what do I ask at a and e to get them to listen?

Many thanks

  • Dear Mannamead17,

    I am sorry to learn of your mum's situation, I can imagine this is a distressing and worrying time for you all.

    I can also appreciate It must be difficult with you living so far away as well.

    As Cancer Information nurses not involved in your mum's care, we cannot say what might be the cause of the symptoms or provide a medical opinion. Only a doctor who has assessed your mum can say.

    I am unsure of your mum's situation, how long ago it was she had cancer, and whether or not she is still under the cancer team at the hospital. If she is, and if you have your mum's permission to speak with her doctors it might be worth trying to contact someone from the team such as her nurse specialist (CNS) if she has one and explain your concerns.

    Also with your mum's permission you could see if you can speak with a GP from her practice about your concerns to make sure they are aware of her symptoms, that they are not improving, and that you feel your mum is deteriorating and is unable to look after herself.

    If you do have to go to A and E, do say to them with your mum's medical history you are concerned that her symptoms may be being caused by cancer. That things are becoming worse and not improving highlighting that you have been to A and E on a few occasions. 

    It might also be helpful to get clarification as to why an MRI scan was not felt necessary.

    I hope your mum can get more support with her symptoms and that your concerns are addressed.

    Please feel free to get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care,


  • Thank you Jemma I think it will be a and e again unfortunately I cannot get her to eat anything