Are Chemo drugs in my sweat


Just suddenly had a panic, I have been holding my 2 month old baby a lot in this very hot weather. 

I am 3 weeks into my EC chemotherapy treatment. Is the baby safe whist having sweaty skin contact with me?

  • We were told it comes out in any body fluid so I'm assuming sweat is considered one of those fluids. I think the worst that would happen to the baby would be slight irritation. Flushing the loo for the first 3 days seems to be the biggie because it risks burns to others. Assuming the amounts would be so small, there's probably nothing to really worry about, but i can understand why you're worried as it's a baby.

    The risks disappear at around 7 days post infusion, if i recall correctly.

  • Hello Elina and thank you for your post,

    It is fine for you to hold your baby after your chemotherapy treatment.

    The most important thing is to protect members of your family including your baby from exposure to any bodily fluids such as urine or stools or if you are sick.

    It is a good idea to clean the loo daily with bleach using gloves and to flush the loo twice and keep the seat down. Making sure that you wash your hands thoroughly after a visit to the loo.

    We have some tips on our website about chemotherapy safety at home

    I do hope this helps.

    If you would like to talk any of this through with one of the helpline nurses then you are welcome to give us a ring.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best,
