
Hi all so i got my results back from my lettz procedure saying cin3-no cancer which im obviously over the moon about but it says there is a mismatch between my initial screening and colposcopy/lettz. Has any1 had this? They say i will probably need another lettz and it will be discussed at a multi disciplinary meeting at the end of the month. Could any1 give me any advice as to what the mismatch could be? 

  • Hello sarjh82 and thanks for the post

    It can be a worry to get abnormal screening or colposcopy results but as you say in most cases these are precancerous cells that are found rather than cancer itself.

    Mismatch in cervical screening is when the result from the initial cytology screening appear quite different to the coloscopy biopsy observed in histology. This can happen and is often because the initial screening in cytology ( the lab) only gives a snap shot about the cells in the cervix, whereas the biopsy enables the whole sample to be examined.

    It sounds like for you that CIN3 has been confirmed and the abnormal areas of cells seen in colposcopy were removed. It is possible that a further LLETZ procedure may be needed to ensure the cervix is clear of all abnormality. This will now to be discussed by the team and then with you once a decision has been made.

    Try not to over think this, remember screening is all about the prevention of cancer by detecting abnormality early to be able to monitor or treat the abnormality to prevent it turning into something more serious.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Best wishes
