Living with prostate cancer and I have headaches, hot flushes, diarrhoea, scabs on head , tiredness/lack of sleep, back pain

I was diagnosed with prostrate cancer about 2 years ago and have been having the above symptoms lately mainly for about 2 / 3 months now . My next injection is not due until around the end of this month . I have been having the injections in the tummy for about 18 months and have them every 3 months . The hot flushes only started a few weeks ago and the diarrhoea just 3 days ago  and I have been taking over the counter tablets for this which help a bit but it seems to come and go . Headaches are the same come and go and back pain has been there for a while and local hospital physiotherapist has requested a MRI scan ,due in around 2 /3 weeks so I am taking  30 mg of zapain 4 times a day some times more pending on the pain level . I have scabs on my head which seem to come and go regardless of shampoo from chemist  . Hot flushes have started about 2 weeks ago  and at the same time I get headaches . I am finding my self sleeping in my chair during the day and getting more and more short tempered with family and when doing things Just recently I smashed with a hammer a model boat that I have been working on and off with for the past year as things didn't go right and even though I left it and went back to it the next day I still got really frustrated and started having headaches   . I am sorry to go to such lengths an could possibly go to more  . I have tried to give up smoking and contacted the local people but with out any avail as all they did was give me patches and a inhaler both as much use as a chocolate fire guard , I have tried to loose weight but I like my treats ,biscuits and sweets as well as pies etc  . I am sorry for the length of this but dont know who else to talk to especially in person as I dont find " Talking " on line any help what so ever .Thank you for taking valuable time to read this. H    

  • Hello Hargreaves and thanks for the post

    I am sorry to hear about your situation and all the symptoms/side effects you are experiencing, it sounds like you are having a really tough time.

    It is good however to hear you are due to have an MRI scan soon. This hopefully will give some idea to the doctor about what may be causing some of your symptoms.

    Unfortunately when a person has a range of ailments there can be more than one thing going on. As we are not doctors here we cannot diagnose anyone or say what the matter may be and always suggest patients speak with their own doctor so they can be properly assessed. The doctor can then arrange further tests or referrals as they see fit to get more answers about what may be going on.

    It can be difficult to be self disciplined and make the right choices in what we eat and the lifestyle choices we make when we feel low and un motivated. Do also let your doctor or nurse know about how all of this is making you feel so they can best support and help you with this.

    There is a website called cancer care map where you can search up by post code local support groups and services that you may also wish to reach out to help you through this time.

    I really hope you get some answers soon and can start feeling a bit better in yourself.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Best wishes,
