Thyroid biopsy

Hi. I've got a thyroud biopsy booked for tomorrow I'm really scared. I suffer with anxiety. I went 3 weeks ago for a scan an I was so worked up the room started spinning I had double vision hot. How can I keep calm :( 

  • Please try not to worry. I'm not a nurse but I had thyroid cancer just under 5 years ago and firstly, most thyroid biopsies do not find cancer. Something like 95% of them find nothing worrying.

    And even in the worst case scenario, if it IS cancer, and the odds are probably against it, most forms of thyroid cancer are not what you might be imagining when you hear "cancer." The most common forms have a survival rate well over 90% and rarely require ongoing treatment.

    It's basically a case of removing your thyroid and maybe some lymph nodes if it has spread to them. I was back at work a month after my operation and really, the only problems I've had since are some tingling in my neck and occasional issues with calcium levels that are easily fixed with calcium tablets. Yeah, I take tablets each morning to replace my thyroid but that's all. I just swallow two tablets .

  • Thank you I'm abit nervous for the biopsy I suffer with anxiety around hospitals ect. I had a scan 3 weeks ago and worried myself so much I nearly passed out. :( 

  • Hi Aunttoo3 and thank you for your post.

    I'm sorry to hear you are having symptoms and are currently undergoing some tests. This is understandably a worrying time for you.

    Individuals awaiting test results may experience a multitude of emotions, and there is no right or wrong way to feel.

    MIND provides an explanation of anxiety and offers self-care recommendations for managing it. Additionally, we offer resources on our website for dealing with fear and anxiety.

    Anxiety UK also operates a helpline if you need to talk to someone.

    I hope this information helps.  Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,


  • Hey just been for FNA an didn't need to have it done x