

My mom is having another biopsy this time they said they want to go in threw the hip area. How is this possible how can they reach from the hip to the lung ? 

I was going to Google it but thought better of it.. 

  • Hello and thanks for posting

    I'm sorry your mum needs to have another biopsy. I can imagine this is a worrying time for you both.

    When doctors need to take a lung biopsy but can't reach it easily from the front or the side, they sometimes consider going through the hip area. This approach is  usually done when the area they need to biopsy is difficult to reach by other methods. They make a small incision ( cut) near the hip, and then carefully guide a needle through to the lung using an imaging test such as a CT scan to make sure they are in the right place.

    When your mum goes for the biopsy, they will talk her through it and answer any questions she may have.

    I hope this helps. Please give us a call if you want to talk anything over, our number is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and we are around weekdays from 9am to 5pm.

    Best wishes, 
