Repeat mammograms

I’ve just had my fifth yearly repeat mammogram after lumpectomy in 2019 and, as I’m almost 70, I’m rather concerned that I won’t be recalled.  My cancer was found at a regular mammogram recall, I was non-symptomatic and the lump wasn’t felt.  I’d rather continue to have regular checks, even if I have to pay privately.  At what interval(s) do you recommend I request a repeat mammogram?  Grateful for any advice 

  • Hello and thank you for posting,

    After having yearly mammograms for 5 years following breast cancer treatment, depending on a woman's age at the time treatment is completed, they will go back into the breast screening programme . They will be called to have a mammogram every 3 years up until the age of 70.

    As you are aware, women over the age of 70 in the breast screening programme will stop being invited to have regular mammograms. However, it is possible to arrange to have regular screening (every 3 years) after 70 by contacting your local breast screening service.

    I hope this helps. Please contact us again if you need more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9 am till 5 pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care, all the best


  • Thank you Jemma for your swift response, very much appreciated xxx.  I’m obviously rather concerned that, now I’ve had breast cancer, there’s a chance of recurrence.  I was very fortunate that it was detected at an early stage so I’m wondering whether yearly private mammograms might be prudent?

  • Hi there and thanks for your reply

    I think it is very natural for women to be worried about the cancer coming back after having had breast cancer. However having yearly mammograms after the initial 5 years follow up isn't indicated and research has shown no benefit to additional scans after this time period in women with no symptoms in detecting recurrence.

    Of course the decision is yours whether you wish to pay privately to have annual mammograms for your own peace of mind.

    As Jemma has said you can request 3 yearly mammograms through your local breast screening unit, you would need to however contact them yourself.

    It may be useful to read about follow up after treatment for breast cancer on the Breast cancer Now website.

    Wishing you all the best

    Take care
