Telephone consultation

Hi, 2 weeks ago I had my first ct scan post chemotherapy and got some good news thank god. However today I have randomly just got a letter with a telephone consultation for 3 months time? I’m confused as to what this could be for, does anyone have any idea? thanks 

  • Hi TomR1

    well done on finishing your treatment and getting good news on your scan post treatment 

    i wouldn’t worry too much. Normal process after any cancer treatment is that you will remain under the care of the team that treated you during your diagnosis and treatment 

    usualy you are monitored for a period of a few years ( every area has different time frames for different cancers) but the telephone consultation is for your benefit and gives you opportunity to discuss that your still well and if you have any concerns they can be discussed and investigated if necessary and aids the team to monitor your health / progress 

    so basically it’s follow up care for you to address any worries so that any changes are acted on quicker,  rather than going to your GP and having to go through the process again and suffering the long waiting  time's to be seen.  Any concerns are addressed straight away 
    your consultant will also do periodic tests and/or scans during the period of monitoring to ensure all is still well 

    I wish you all the best going forward 

  • Hello and thank you for your post,

    I am sorry but I cannot tell you why you have this appointment.  However, this could just be a regular follow-up appointment, to see how you are. 

    You may wish to ask your cancer nurse specialist (CNS) about this, as they are likely to know.

    You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care,
