Anxiety about scan results and next steps


I am sorry to bother you but,  I was diagnosed with kidney cancer after going to the doctor about something else.

I had lots of scans and was initially diagnosed with locally spread suspected rcc in June.  The initial treatment plan involved a great immunotherapy combination followed by a radical nephrectomy.  But this relied on a supporting biopsy.  I had two biopsies but the tumour and the affected lymph nodes are necrotic and neither biopsy was usable.  The second one also gave an unreliable indication - possibly consistent with tcc - but the necrosis makes it impossible to give a diagnosis.  I was passed back to the surgical team by my Medical Oncology Consultant who is wonderful and arranged for me to keep my contact clinical research nurse (who is also wonderful).  My Consultant told me that a radical nephrectomy was the best way forward now so they could establish what the cancer is and then work out how to control the disease.  Since then, just over two weeks ago,  have been given a ct scan and a PET scan (last monday).  I was told this was to establish whether there was any possibility of using the PET scan to guide the biopsy needle to any still living cancer in the lymph nodes.  But when I was in the PET suite I was told they were looking at my bladder and ureters.  I showed them the email about the lymph nodes.  I have already had a cytoscopy which seemed to be normal.  My contact had intended to email me with an update yesterday but nothing came.  I am nervous.

  • I spoke to a volunteer ex-Macmillan nurse at the local cancer support charity on Tuesday, she suggested that it might be to check my other ureter was OK before the surgery and was possibly routine. I am very anxious.  What can I do? My mother also died, unexpectedly, three weeks ago and the funeral is next week.  The necrosis in my tumour makes it quite uncomfortable to sit or lie down so, despite pain relief and now sleeping tablets, I am not sleeping.  This has made it worse.

  • I was also reading CUP posts and am worried that there is/maybe no treatment if they can't identify the cancer.

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    Yes, I can understand your concern. But is does sound like things are in hand in the background.

    Your recent scans will be reported on, and if there is a thought of proceeding to a biopsy, then they will be in touch with you. It is of course difficult waiting for all the jigsaw pieces to come together regarding your diagnosis and treatment plan. Your specialist will plan treatment based on the best available information. They will have a treatment protocol in mind, even if a biopsy is not possible or inconclusive. The scans will have given them some information about the lymph nodes, and this will help them 'stage ' the disease.  And yes, analysing the kidney tissue for the actual pathology, after it has been removed, will give them the clinical information to move forward. 

    We have information about kidney cancer on our website which may be useful.

    I hope this helps,

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Yours sincerely,
