
Had colonoscopy last week, this was done privately, I asked for more sedation during the procedure as it became painfully I was reduced to tears at the distal transverse colon (where the procedure stopped) but was told NO! I was fully aware and watched what was happening on the screens, at the start I had been given 2mg Midazolam, 100mcg fentanyl and gas & air having told them at the start that gas & air did nothing for me having not used it thought child birth either! I check NHS website when home which said I could have been given more. I am extremely disappointed to have endured the anxiety, indignity and be refused more sedation. The doctor was fully aware that I have been experiencing stomach pain for months so my abdomen was sore. I am physically small and slim. I was told by the nursing team that usually patients don't remember anything, this experience would stop me having this done again.

  • Hello Nellie 1960 and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about your situation and the pain that you experienced.

    I am not sure whether you are due to have a follow up appointment with the consultant. If not it might be worth talking this through with your GP to discuss your next steps particularly if your pain is continuing.

    It is difficult without being involved in your care to know what to suggest for you next but hopefully your GP will have some suggestions about how to move forward.

    You are welcome to ring and chat through this all with one of the helpline nurses.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best,


  • I've had 14 colonoscopies post bowel cancer to remove polyps ( 70ish!). Most of the colonoscopies have been painful. Those that haven't been I think has been down to who is doing it. Some docs are better than others. However I've been given buscupan to relax the bowel- definitely helps. I've also been given stronger sedation. I remember every time. However it was and is worthing.