Lumbar pain 12 year old.

My 12 year old daughter is waiting to be seen by the trauma and orthopaedic clinic. It’s been nearly 4 months, they told me it could take up to 43 weeks for her to be seen. 
I’m extremely worried as her pain isn’t getting any better, she says that it’s the same and she’s getting used to it being there now. Only she’s saying she’s noticed she can feel a lump in the area where her pain is located and it often feels like her bones are rubbing together. 
I’ve tried to feel where the lump is but it’s difficult as she’s so tender in the area when it’s touched. 
I suppose I’m just wondering if I have cause for my concern with it. 
it’s so awful for her as she try’s to do her normal thing, go out playing with her friends but can’t walk for long distances, go on trampoline and things like that as it causes her extreme pain. The pain also goes into her femur area.  
I’ve spoken with the gp surgery and she has an appointment on the 23rd. Hoping they will give her some answers plus rush the hospital appointment. 
sorry for waffling on. 

  • Hello and thanks for posting

    I’m sorry to read about your daughter’s situation. It’s understandable to be worried especially with the long wait to see the orthopaedic team.

    Persistent pain can cause a lot of anxiety, especially when it's to do with your child. It’s good that she has a GP appointment coming up in a couple of weeks. Do let them know everything that’s being going on about the lump and the feeling of bones rubbing together, the pain, and how it affects her daily life.

    Sometimes, they may be able to speed up the process of seeing the orthopaedic team if they feel her situation is more urgent.

    I hope you know more about your daughter's situation soon. Feel free to give us a call if you want to talk anything over.  Our number is 0808 800 4040 and we are here from 9 to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards, 


  • Thank you. Yes, I’ve written down everything she is complaining of in terms of her back. 
    I know I really shouldn’t be thinking the worse but it’s so difficult as she hasn’t hurt herself or anything it’s just came on all of a sudden and slowly progressing in symptoms.