Too ill for ebus

I recently took mother-in-law to an appt. They advised she needs an ebus but is too ill and even if do confirm cancer oncologist unlikely to treat due to current health. She had 1.5ltrs fluid drained 4 weeks ago and another 2 last week. Tested and came back clear but mass on lung. I dont think she understood what they were saying and keeps saying i best not lose my hair. Her husband beat lung cancer 8 years ago. She is on oxygen overnight. I'm hoping that i misunderstood what they said but feel this will be a terminal diagnosis if she gets to that stage. Praying i interpreted it wrong but doubtful. 

  • Hello Choochy and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about your mother in law and can understand how distressing it must be to see her looking so uncomfortable.

    If your mother in law has any further tests you could express your concerns about her having an endobronchial ultrasound EBUS.

    It is difficult for me to give an opinion about your mother in law without being involved but before a procedure like this the nurses would do a general assessment such as blood pressure and oxygen levels and whether she would be able to cope with a general or local anaesthetic.

    The doctors would also need to make sure that your mother in law understood what was involved as she would need to sign a consent form.

    Try not to worry too much at the moment about the test as I am sure that the doctors would not want to do anything against her wishes.

    If you would like to ring and chat any of this through with one of the helpline nurses then you are welcome to do so.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best,


  • Thanks Catherine for your response. My concern is that they have already decided she is too ill for the EBUS test and the impression i had was that it is cancer but they cant actually diagnose yet but even when they (if they can) she will not be eligible for treatment. I think their words were "not sure what your oncologist would do anyway due to your health". To me that suggested that theres no chance of survival however mother in law doesn't seem to have registered what they said and is talking about how she's going to feel after chemo etc i'm at a loss as to if i say what i heard or hope that they make it clearer at her next appt. Unfortunately i wont be with her next time.