Terrified I have melanoma

I’m probably being silly but I’ve found a mole which is brown with darker patches and kind of feathers out on the edges. I went to my amazing GPs who took some magnified pictures and sent them to a dermatologist who sent back a report that says it was probable melanoma and I would be referred 2ww, after not hearing anything back after just short of 2 weeks I decided to book a private dermatologist appointment (I’m very fortunate I have private health care through work), I’ve now seen the second dermatologist and she wants to remove it and explained she would take out some extra skin around the mole, but did explain it was unlikely to be cancer but I can’t get the 1st dermatologist “probable melanoma” out of my head.

I did the worst thing possible after I left the appointment and googled it and I’ve convinced myself I have cancer.

Is it normal if a dermatologist says it’s unlikely to be cancer that they would want to cut it out anyway?

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    I can understand your question. Bear in mind that the second dermatologist was able to see it and physically examine it, which is what the other dermatologist would have done at an appointment.

    It is common practice for a dermatologist to want to remove a mole for more complex further analysis. Biopsies are not often used, as they can be inconclusive. Moles can often have results of some abnormal growth, but are not yet cancer. Removing the mole also means there is not a need then for further surveillance, as it then is gone. 

    Also, should it be a very early melanoma, then surgery to remove it, with a healthy tissue margin around it, is the primary main treatment, with a very high percentage of complete cure. 

    Try not to google, as it rarely helps in these situations. It sounds like you are in good hands. 

    I hope this helps,

    Kind regards,
