PEG tube feeding with type 2 diabetes.

I am part of a Head and Neck Cancer Support Group - mostly mouth cancer patients in South East Kent. The group was set up with help from nurses at the hospital, and is called Heads Up. We have a couple of members who are soon going to be fitted with a PEG, and they are looking for any advice they can get with managing Type 2 diabetes in that situation. Are there any feeds specially formulated, or is there any advice that can be given?

My name is Anthony, a mouth cancer survivor, but without the added problem of diabetes, or a PEG tube, so my knowledge in this area is nil.

Many thanks fir any help you can give.

  • Hello and thanks for your post,

    Unfortunately, we do not have access to dietetic advice so can't help you with this specific request.

    I think you might need to try and approach the NHS community dietician service, or a hospital dietician or hospital enteral feeding clinical nurse specialist (CNS)

    Best wishes,
