Realistically How Much Longer Does My Mother In Law Have


I would like to get some info about life expectancy please. 

My mother in law has had a PET & CT scan and apparently there are small spots showing on her liver, lung, bones, skull and eye. Last week she had a biopsy on the eye which confirms cancer has spread. The oncologist has said the cancer has spread but they have caught it very early. The spots on lungs and liver are too small to remove and do a biopsy on so they will start chemotherapy next week. 

She is 70 years old and generally healthy. 

We live abroad and trying to understand how much time she has left in order to plan to go home and spend some time with her. 

Any advice will be welcome. 

  • Hello JWBessen and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about your mother in law. This must be a difficult time for you all.  Prognosis is a question best answered by your mother in law's doctors as they have more of an insight in to the type of cancer that she has.

    With your mother in law's permission your son could try and make a telephone appointment to speak to them so you can both  be more in the picture about her situation and what to expect.

    The doctors may want to wait to see how well she responds to the chemotherapy. It is good that she is generally healthy which will hopefully stand her in good stead when she starts the treatment.

    Prognosis is a difficult thing to predict and even some doctors find it hard to accurately predict how long some one has got. Doctors are basing their predictions on other patients with a similar disease set but as I have said everyone responds very differently to treatment.

    I do hope that you manage to speak to her doctors and have more of an idea of her situation.

    If either of you would like to ring and discuss any of this with one of the helpline nurses you are very welcome to give us a ring. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best,
