Azathioprine - Skin Cancer

I have just come off Azathioprione, after taking it for over 5 years or so.

The reason I came off it was that I was getting increased problems with my skln, i.e.actinic Keratoses, nodular basel cell carcinoma etc.

I have had a few near misses as all the biopsies, over 10,  have been negative for cancer.

My question is now that I have come off it, at my own request, will my skin return to normal or will I have "skin cancer" problems for the rest of my life.

  • Hello GoldenOlden and thanks for your post,

    I am afraid that without being involved in your care it is very difficult to be able to answer your questions. Do talk through your concerns with your GP/doctor and talk to them about the risks.

    As they have all your medical notes and know why you were put on Azathioprine in the first place they are the best people to talk to.

    I am sorry that I am not able to help you with your questions.

    All the very best,
