Discharge and ‘lumps’ following LLETZ

Hi, I’m just about 2 weeks post LLETZ (22nd July) and started sort of bleeding last Sunday (1 week post). On Wednesday I think I passed the scab (a sort of clot about the size of a 5p coin, very dark red and lots of blood for a while after). Since then my discharge has sort of turned orangey…not really red or brown and not as watery as it was, and not a huge amount. I’m wearing liners rather than pads. There’s also occasionally red lumps in the bowl when I’ve been to the toilet (once yesterday, twice today). I feel well, not really sure if the discharge smells or it’s just cos it’s a bit bloody still. Is it normal to be passing lumps of red matter?? I’m very paranoid because I got an infection after the biopsy earlier in the year and it took months to get over…I don’t want it to happen again! I also don’t want to be that person that is constantly ringing the hospital either though, if this is normal and expected! My doctor has said they can do a swab to check for infection but should I insert a swab or is this going to increase risk of infection?Just a bit anxious right now.

  • Hello Lou925 and thanks for your post,

    Bleeding for 2-4 weeks after the procedure is to be expected. Quite often your period can be a bit heavier then normal.

    We have some information about what to expect after a LLETZ procedure.

    If you notice any yellow or green discharge or it starts to smell then do get in touch with the hospital or your GP.  Let the hospital or GP practice take the swab and not you if you are worried that you have an infection. 

    Try not to overthink it for now. It does take a few weeks to heal.

    Don't ever worry about ringing the hospital for reassurance as that is what they are there for.

    I do hope things settle down.

    All the best,


  • Thanks, it’s just the sudden appearance of fresh red blood that’s a bit surprising! I don’t have periods anymore as I have a coil, so I’m just not used to it.