Cervical Biopsy

I have hpv high risk and my doctor suggested that i should get biopsy or pap smear test within 12 months although i want to get cervical biopsy.

Is there a free biopsy in uk or at nhs?

  • Hello Jeanyyy and thanks for your post,

    We have a well thought out cervical screening service in the UK. I am a bit confused about your question and I would love to help you if I can.

    When someone is diagnosed with High grade HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) the pathologist then goes on to check the cells. If these are found to be abnormal cells then a patient would be invited to a colposcopy clinic where the cervix is looked at in more detail and sometimes biopsies are taken.

    HPV is very common with the majority of people affected at sometime in their life time. It is normally your own immunity that gets on top of this virus but it can take a couple of years and in some cases a little bit longer. There is nothing that you can do other then trying to lead a healthy life and not smoke as this can make it harder to clear the virus.

    The screening programme has a strict recall programme whereby patients can't be called back earlier then they are meant to. This also hopefully gives a chance for your own immunity to get on top of the virus.

    We have some information on our website about screening results

    Any biopsy that needs to be taken is free under the NHS.

    If any of this is not clear then do give us a ring and the nurses on the helpline will try and go through this with you.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best,
