Vaginal bleeding since October 2023

I've had bleeding in between periods since October last year, it's been every single day minus 31 days when it stopped after starting progesterone only mini pill but it started again 2 weeks ago.
It's not enough for a period and I would say 99% of the time it's only there when I wipe after going to the toilet, but I do wear a pad most days just in case and I have had a smear on them occasionally.


Please can someone help me.

I have been back and forth to my GP for this obviously, I have been referred to Gynecology who are both convinced it's hormonal.

However I am obviously not convinced that it's hormonal, so I have had bloods, urine samples, vaginal swabs, ultrasound and I actually paid for a private transvaginal ultrasound this morning and part of the report are below...

""There is a suggestion of a small, very discrete polyp within the fundus of the endometrium measuring 8x6x9mm with an endometrial thickness of 7.3mm. Otherwise normal ultrasound examination of the pelvis"

I am absolutely convinced this is cancer, particularly because I have been having cramping as well. My periods have been normal until I missed the one in July due to starting the progesterone only pill.

Can anyone offer some reassurance please or anthing would be good   I am absolutely petrified.

  • Hello Nichard and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear that you are worried about your health.

    Uterine polyps are common and most of the time they are nothing to worry about. It does sound like they have only found one small polyp.

    I would take these results to your GP and go through them with them. It does sound like your endometrium is only slightly thickened at 7.3mm but a lot will depend on your age and if you have ever had children.

    I would talk to your GP and ask their advice about whether you should have any further tests after your transvaginal ultrasound.

    Let them know how anxious it is making you feel.

    I am sure that if the gynaecologist felt that you needed any further tests they would do them. 

    Try not to worry too much but it is really only your GP or your gynaecologist  who can really advise you on this.

    All the best,


  • Thanks for getting back to me Catherine. I am 35 and I have a 6 year old daughter.

    I have just left my GP surgery and have been advised to contact gynecology as I am still on the patient controlled pathway I think she called it after my smear test back in April. I showed the doctor my report and yet again I have been told she is pretty sure the bleeding is hormone related and she recommends having the mirena coil fitted and to mention it when I go to the hospital. 

    I have really bad health anxiety which I am seeing a private therapist for so this has got me absolutely ill with worry.