
I have started taking tamoxifen..and to cut a long story short there are lots of things being said to me about it. I'd like to get some facts from experts and people who have had experience of taking it over what to expect?

  • Hello Paintgirl and thanks for your post,

    I presume that you have had a breast cancer diagnosis and that you have had some form of treatment in the way of surgery and maybe other treatments  and you have now been put on Tamoxifen to help prevent the cancer returning.

    Tamoxifen works by blocking the oestrogen receptors. It stops oestrogen from telling the cancer cells to grow. As tamoxifen blocks the effects of oestrogen, the aim is to stop breast cancers from developing.

    This drug only works for hormone positive breast cancers.

    Sometimes Tamoxifen can be given when there is a high risk of cancer in the family.

    We have information on our website about Tamoxifen. This includes information on potential side effects.

    Over the years there have been many trials looking at how long tamoxifen should be taken for.

    There was a trial called Attom which was looking at comparing Tamoxifen for 5 years versus 10 years. You can see the results on our website

    Everyone responds to drugs in different ways. Tamoxifen does come with side effects but very often the benefit is worth putting up with some of the side effects.

    As I am not sure of your situation do discuss this with your oncologist or your breast care nurse if you have concerns about taking it.

    You have posted in ask the nurses but if you post on another thread or start your own you might find that you get more replies.

    I do hope this has helped. If you would like to discuss any of this with one of the nurses on the helpline you are welcome to give us a ring.

    Our number is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm.

    All the best,
