How many cycles of XELOX is enough?

I am about to start my 4th cycle of XELOX (oxaliplatin and capecitabine). The oncologist has prescribed 8 cycles as an adjunctive treatment following emergency surgery to remove a grade 3 bowel tumour and the large intestine. I have an ileostomy that is generally well behaved.

My main complaint is the side effects of the XELOX and the fear that the longer I continue treatment the more permanent they will be. The oncologist originally intended that I should have 4 sessions, then doubled it to 8, "just to be safe". I am seriously considering baling out after the next cycle as I am so concerned about long term effects on my general health. CT scan a month ago was clear, blood markers are good so I am balancing the possibility of invisible changes at a microscopic level vs the very obvious damage caused by the adjunctive treatment.

Has anybody else faced this decision? Is there any data on four cycles vs eight?

  • Hello wff and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about your situation. You don't say what side effects that you are experiencing but whatever the case I would talk this through with your consultant as they may be able to reduce the dose if they feel that it is in your best interests to carry on for 8 cycles.

    Everyone's situation and cancer is very different so it is difficult to compare one person with another.

    We have some information about treatment for bowel cancer and how long someone should have chemotherapy treatment for.

    There was a trial called the Scot trial looking at how long patients should receive chemotherapy for bowel cancer. You can see details of the Scot trial here.

    We have more information on our website about the Scot trial

    As we are not involved in your care it is only your own doctors who can really say what is in your best interests based on the results of your particular cancer.

    If you would like to talk any of this through with one of the nurses on the helpline then you are welcome to give us a ring. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best,


  • Thanks Catherine,

    The links were very helpful. I have spoken to my consultant's secretary and she said she will write to him. I presume this means email. I will be 100 yards from his office tomorrow so maybe he will come and talk to me while I am being infused. I intend to discontinue XELOX treatment after tomorrow because the vascular and neural effects are worsening as time passes and from what I gather they are unlikely to reverse. I feel that another 3 months would affect my quality of life to an unacceptable degree. 

    In terms of symptoms, the nuisance symptoms are neuropathy of the hands, vasculitis in left forearm. More worrying is loss of proprioception, losing balance at times and having to grab the nearest handhold, colliding with doorways, bouncing off walls in the house (not all the time but its getting worse), tinnitus, blurred vision, brain fog. And I don't know if its relevant that my father died from/with vascular dementia. Generally I feel poisoned and miserable.

    Until April this year I was a healthy, drug free 70 year old, working healthcare professional.

  • I’m only a patient but I was on EOX for a while which is Xerox plus Epirubicine for a different type of cancer.
    It was ten years ago but my oncologist suggested that research at the time indicated fewer cycles could improve survival rates because less damage was done to the patient’s immune system. 
    It would be worth having a discussion with your consultant, or seeking a second opinion.
    As Catherine says, every case is different and your oncologist has all the facts. 

    Good luck

  • Hello wff and thanks for getting back to us again,

    I am sorry to hear about the symptoms that you have been experiencing and do hope that you have a chance to talk this through with your consultant if you manage to see him today.

    I do hope that you are also getting some support at home.

    You are very welcome to ring and chat through any of this with one of the nurses on the helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best,


  • Hi.

    Last July I was admitted into hospital with abdominal pains which turned out to be stage 3 bowel cancer. Had surgery to remove 3 quarters of my large bowl with a side to side resection. My oncologist recommends 8 courses of chemotherapy capox, oxaliplatine and capecitabine. My treatment finished beginning of Feb this year. During the course of the treatment the side effects I had Inc cold sensitive and feeling sick and slight peripheral neuropathy didn't bother me as I was in the mind set it's better than the alternative. Since then my peripheral neuropathy has got significantly worse and has affected most parts of my general day to day life, but again I am learning to live with it and know my limits and think again it's far better than the alternative. Anyway my point being the oncologist knows more than we do and if he says to do 8 courses to prevent cancer returning it's best to do 8. Any side effects both short or long term are surely better than the alternative. I don't regret having 8 rounds and would have had more if I was told. Hope this helps and I hope everything works out for you in the future.

  • Thanks Chris, I'm glad you got through the course relatively unscathed. Did you have the oxaliplatin through a cannula or a pic line?

  • Hi. I had it through cannula and admittedly it was quite painful afterwards and I did wear gloves in the house cos of the cold aensit8.. I've literally just got a phone call today from my colorectal team telling me my 1st yearly scan was all clear so I honestly do think doing the full 8 made a difference regardless of the now life changing side effects which I'm coping with. My honest advice mate is to go for all 8 even with the future lasting effects it's worth it. Best wishes. Chris.

  • Meant to say cold sensitivity