CIN3 with features of invasive squamous carcinoma

Hi all :)

I had a smear test that came back with HPV virus and abnormal cells, went for a colposcopy and was given the results of CIN3 with features of squamous carcinoma!  I was taken in for a LLETZ procedure yesterday under GA.

The surgeon/consultant who was so attentive & fantastic told me they are fast tracking my historical results as urgent! As you can imagine for any woman this is terrifying, I can’t help but take in what was said that it looks likes an early stage of cervical cancer!

I think personally it is which I really hope it isn’t but I feel like they don’t want to confirm it to me until they see the results themselves!

I’m really struggling to take it all in & I would just merely like to try put my mind at ease!

Thank you :)

  • Hello Kizzy and thank you for posting.

    I am sorry you are worried about the recent cells found. Unfortunately it is difficult for us to reassure you, as we are not part of your care.

    All biopsies would be sent off to be analysed under microscope after treatment for abnormal cells.  No one can say for sure what the cells removed at LLETZ might be, even the doctors doing the procedure don't know until they are studied more closely.

    Once the team have the biopsy results, they will go through them with you.

    Waiting for results is always so hard as the days can feel very long. Other than suggesting keeping yourself busy, and getting support from friends and family, I am not sure how else we can help. 

    Take care Kizzy, and hopefully you will know more soon. If you want to talk this out with the nurses on the helpline the number is Freephone 0808 800 4040, and the lines are open from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Friday.
