Letter today stating I need further breast screening tests.

In 2019 I found a lump on my breast and due to my Anxiety it sent me into panic mode. I was refereed to the breast screening clinic and after almost a week of worry and anxiousness , not eating and sleeping it was thankfully a cyst. I remember the Radiologist said I do have some smaller cysts present as well. She drained the big cyst. That was that. I was 45 then. 
I went for my routine Breast screening last Thursday. Today I received the letter stating I need further tests. This has spiralled me back to where I was 5 years ago. I’ve not eaten all day and I’ve worried myself sick. I have an appointment next Wednesday 7 Aug. I’m so scared about this and what they have found. 
I have always been breast aware and check myself a lot. I’ve not felt any lumps or had any breast cancer symptoms. I know not everyone will have symptoms but I know friends that have always had something like a lump in their armpit and swollen lymph nodes etc. I just don’t know who to talk to and I feel so alone. 

  • Hello and thanks for posting

    I can appreciate you feeling worried by being recalled for further tests after your recent mammogram,

    A mammogram can show up an area that the doctors are not sure about, but they can't confirm what it is as more information is needed before a result can be given. This often means a repeat mammogram  and possibly further tests such as an ultrasound and a biopsy.

    Most women who get a recall turn out not to have cancer. I'm afraid it is just going to be a case of waiting for the appointment, which I can appreciate will be difficult.

    The charity Breast Cancer Now have information on their website about  screening recall which you may find useful to read.

    I hope everything turns out to be okay. Do give us a ring if you want a chat about this. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,
