Liver inflammation


my mum underwent her first chemo session 3 weeks ago tomorrow. She was due to get it again last Thursday 25/07. However she was unable to get it as her liver inflammation was too high from the chemo. She was also due to get it tomorrow 01/08 but her bloods showed that the inflammation was a lot better but still too high. The doctor explained she was on the boarderline of being able to get the chemo but they didn’t want to risk it. So we go again next week. Is this normal? Is there anything she can do to help this? Will this affect her recovery from the cancer? I’m so worried and feel so helpless. She is not ill and is still in good spirits. 

Thanks, Sarah. 

  • Hello Sarah and thanks for posting

    Chemotherapy can sometimes affect the liver function. The drugs  pass through the liver and over time can cause some liver changes that can affect it's overall function. So when the levels are high doctors will often postpone chemotherapy for a week or two until the liver function has recovered sufficiently to have the next course of chemotherapy.

    Short delays like this can sometimes happen and is unlikely to have an impact on your mum's cancer. However, if it keeps happening then sometimes doctors may have to consider reducing the chemotherapy dose, or stop it if they think it is doing more harm than good.

    There is nothing that your mum can do or take to help her liver function recover. It does this on it's own over time.

    I hope your mum is able to restart her chemotherapy soon. Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,
