Lumps and bumps


Abour a year or maybe even longer ago I noticed a lump in my groin. I went to the doctors not long after and they referred me for a scan and some bloods to be done. My white blood count was high and the ultrasound showed a swollen lymphnode. But they told me it was quite small so nothing to worry about- phew panic over.

the last few months I have been really tired but struggling to sleep. And about 2 months ago I noticed one side of my neck felt swollen, I’ve been back to the doctors and have had some bloods and my white cell count is showing high again or ‘elevated’ as my doctors referred to it. I’ve been referred for another ultrasound and I’m getting a little worried about these lumps and bumps that keep occurring. I’m wondering what the ultrasound actually will show- I’m also wondering on what other symptoms I should be looking out for? the lump on my neck is just under my jawline towards my ear and only on one side. I got asked whether I have had a sore throat or ear infection lately and have been feeling quite well apart from the tiredness and a little bit of nausea every now and then. 

should I be worried? 

  • Thank you for getting in touch with us. 

    It sounds like you're having a worrying time at the moment

    There can be lots of reasons for lumps and enlarged lymph nodes.  Lymph nodes can sometimes come up even if there has been no obvious infection, and some times can remain enlarged for a little while before they go back down again.  No one really understands why this happens without an obvious explanation. Lumps in the neck can often turn out to be lymph nodes.  There can be lots of different causes for these nodes to become swollen including bacterial or viral infections, glandular fever, having a cold or an upset tummy.   They can stay enlarged for weeks or months, sometimes they never return to their original size.

    The NHS has information on swollen glands

    Lymph nodes don't usually need to be investigated unless there are other red flag symptoms.  This means symptoms that the doctor is concerned about.  These can include loss of appetite, weight loss, not much energy or unexplained bruising or bleeding. Often these are due to other causes and not cancer. A doctor will request an ultrasound to get more clinical information, and to rule things in or out. 

    Try not to over worry for now and keep an open mind. Make sure your diet has plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, and may be consider taking a daily multivitamin too. Do tackle your poor sleeping, as this can lead to daytime exhaustion and make us more prone to getting run down and getting infections. 

    Take care,
