Bile Duct Cancer


My husband has recently been diagnosed with bile duct cancer non operable along with PSC, he has had Crohns disease for 30+ years, they have given him 12 months approx but they are giving him pallative chemo, we are 5 months into this and im struggling with the whole mental health thing.  Its like waiting on a bus hitting you and you can see it but its not near you yet.  Im struggling to cope and work full time.  I find it hard to beleive he may not be here soon and sometimes i think the waiting is worse.

God help me 

  • Hello I’m sorry to read this . You are in my thoughts 

  • Hello and thank you for posting

    I am sorry to hear about your husband's situation. That is incredibly difficult for you both.

    Supporting someone when they have cancer can be hard, particularly when it is not curable. Your mental health at this time is understandably under strain and can feel like there is no end to the emotional pain of what your loved one is going through. 

    Taking care of yourself now, so you can keep your strength and focus can be a struggle. Everyone finds new strength through different things like religion, music, hobbies, friends, and family. Anything that supports them to keep on going and be present for their loved ones. Ensuring you have mental health support and guidance to help you both through these times is important so do talk to your husband's specialist nurse or a Macmillan/palliative care nurse/ about how you are feeling in case they have anything they can offer.

    Mind, the mental health charity, has information on coping when you are a carer if helpful.

    Take care and please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Friday.


  • So sorry to hear this. My father was declined chemo due to side effects vs life expectancy. He's 89 however he has been offered targeted radiotherapy instead as it's less problematic.Not sure how old your husband is but it might be worth discussing if he's struggling with the treatment.