
Hi all 

I've been having breast discharge for 4 weeks now one side can be squeeze the next comes spontaneous but a small amount I'll notice in the morning I'm not pregnant bloods came back fine just low vitamin d

I was referred to the breast clinic I had a altusound but I only had one part of my brest scanned was told every thing looks good and it's my rib! The doctor told me I have thickening on my right side I can feel a kidney bean shape also, to be told all looks OK if I'm still having the discharge in 6 weeks to go back I'm not happy shouldn't I have had both breast checked? And could cancer be missed on a altusound, I'm experiencing fatigue I feel because of my age I'm not being took seriously 

  • Hello Supporteachother and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry that you are concerned about your breast.

    I can understand that symptoms such as discharge can cause a lot of concern but it does sound like the doctors examining your breast did not sound too concerned. Doctors working in breast clinics examine breasts on a day in day out basis and know when they should be concerned when someone presents with symptoms. It does sound like they have given you the option to go back in 6 weeks time if the discharge continues. 

    If you do have to go back do talk through your concerns so they can hopefully put your mind at rest.

    Breast Cancer Now have produced some information on benign (not cancer) conditions which you might find helpful to read. if you scroll down there is some information on causes of breast discharge.

    I do hope that this resolves over time.

    In the meantime if you are still feeling worried then do go and discuss this with your GP.

    All the very best,
