Basal Cell Carcinoma in medial canthus of eye

I was  diagnosed with BCC directly below the medial canthus of my eye last Thursday and have been told I will have surgery under a general anaesthetic to remove it and also a skin graft.  My question is about recovery.  I go to exercise classes and have read that you shouldn’t exercise or put your head down in a bending down position as this delays recovery, so no sit ups or lying horizontally. I was wondering what sort of exercise other than walking is acceptable and for how long I have to avoid my exercise classes. Will I have to sleep upright? Also I read that BCC in the medial canthus is highly likely to return.  Is this true as I know in general BCC doesn’t spread or return.

  • Hi CocoBu and thank you for posting.

    As information nurses not involved in your care, and not knowing what exact surgery you are having we cannot recommend what exercises can or can't be done. A lot will depend on the type of surgery you are having, the position of the cancer, and how well the wound heals from the surgery. The best person to talk this through with you will be your surgeon as they know your situation.

    Your team at the hospital should give you information and instructions on how to look after the wound, and what care is needed after the surgery. I don't know if you have a key person such as a nurse specialist who you can talk this through with.

    The risk of recurrence will depend on the size of the tumour, whether it is completely removed and whether or not clear margins are achieved (a clear area surrounding the cancer cells). Again your specialist would be able to give you more information about this and the risk of recurrence particularly once the surgery is done.

    I am sorry I cannot be more exact about your situation, but I hope this helps with questions to ask your team at the hospital. Please feel free to get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care, all the best,
