Infection after lettz

Hi all im calling my dr in the morning to hopefully get antibiotics but i had lettz 4 days ago the dr said she took around a 3rd of my cervix so quite a sizeable chunk and the whole lot has been sent for biopsy etc. anyway i think i may have an infection now as i have very smelly discharge its honestly awful! I literally just had a quick bath and i can still smell it its turning my stomach! Has any1 had this? Pls tell me the dr wont want to examine me as its really horrible n im not sure i could bare to allow that feeling/smelling like it does. Sorry for tmi btw lol 

  • Hello sarjh82, 

    Just wanted to let you know that our nurses are not available over the weekend but will be back online tomorrow and they will reply to your message very soon. It is a very good idea to ring the doctor tomorrow morning and if symptoms were to worsen overnight, don't hesitate to ring 111. Please don't worry, the doctors are used to examining cases like yours so don't feel shy or embarrassed about it. 

    We have information on our website on the LLETZ with a short section on having an infection you may be interested in reading. 

    I hope you manage to talk to your doctor tomorrow morning and that it all improves quickly for you. 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    Yes, infection can happen after this procedure. Do see your GP who can prescribe antibiotics. The may want to examine you, and take a vaginal swab for analysis, but I am not sure, as sometimes they don't if they prescribe a wide spectrum antibiotic.

    Best wishes,
