Immunotherapy after surgery & radio TNBC grade 3

Hi there

its been a brutal journey. Lost my partner unexpectedly to lung cancer two years ago (he was only 50) and then last year I had my own breast cancer diagnosis - feel very low. Was really looking forward to travelling a bit in Asia in October but I’ve been told I need continued immunotherapy and I’m wondering as it’s another six weeks before my Oncologist appointment how long will 9 more immunotherapy treatments take and how long will it take for me to be fit to travel afterwards, please?

thankyou so much 


  • Hello SP and thanks for your post,

     I am sorry to hear about the brutal time that you have had.

    Without being involved in your care it is difficult to be able to advise you about when you will be fit to travel.

    If you have a breast care nurse (BCN) I would get in touch with them or if not I would email your consultant asking for their opinion. They have all your health records and know how your blood counts have been affected by any treatment. Your team will also know when the best timing would be for you to travel.

    I am not sure how long your immunotherapy treatment will continue as I am sure this is something that your doctors will be monitoring to see how well it is working and whether you are having any side effects.

    I can understand that you need time to plan a trip like the one you are intending to go on but hopefully your team will be able to give you an idea on how to plan for such a trip. 

    You may also need to have vaccinations before you travel but this is something that you should ask your team about. We do have some information about vaccinations and travel on our website.

    Travel Insurance is another thing that you may want to consider. It would be a good idea to have a letter from your oncologist about your cancer and any treatment that you have had.

    I can understand that there are so many different things to consider before you set off on your travels. I do hope that this is something that you are able to achieve.

    You are welcome to ring and chat this through with one of the helpline nurses. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care,
