PRRT treatment

Good Morning

I am shortly to begin PRRT treatment and am curious as to how long I will need to be off work. I am anticipating a day for treatment and the next day to recovery. Should this be enough? I want to be open and honest with work. 

  • Hello and thanks for your post,

    I presume that you mean peptide-receptor-radionuclide therapy PRRT. 

    It is difficult to say how long you would need to have off work as this treatment can come with some side effects including a drop in your blood count. Your hospital team will probably be monitoring your bloods for a few weeks after treatment to make sure that they are all within normal limits. The treatment is excreted through the kidneys and there may be some inflammation after the treatment.

    I would ask your team how long they think you should be off work. A lot will depend on how you are after the treatment. You may also be slightly radioactive and maybe advised to stay away from friends and family. 

    I hope this helps.

    Do give us a ring if you would like to talk to one of the nurses on the helpline. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best,
