
I started Docetaxel and phesgo last week after 3 2 weekly cycles of EC. Two days later I felt so bad like I had flu with a temp of 38+
I phone the hotline at my hospital and went in for the night on IV antibiotics. They sent me home on oral the next day, I never felt so ill.

Unfortunately I then got really bad diarrhoea from the CoAmociclav and they decided to stop all antibiotics as they could not find a bacterial infection? 
I’m still ill six days later, I still have the temp.. it was 38.8 at 4am this morning, I’m basically in bed for the last week as I feel so rough, no appetite etc.

Is this just chemo fever??? 
my husband doesn’t want me to call the hub as he said there is nothing wrong with me but I’m so scared and feel so awful.