do i have skin cancer

hello i’ve joined this forum as i am recently concerned about a mole on my leg and i don’t know if it’s cancer someone help

  • Hi 

    I’m on the same nervous boat as you right now  mine is  on my back. I have previous with suspicious moles so my advice is in the morning contact the drs and get them to have a look and if they think it’s enough to to get it checked out they are likely to put you in for an urgent referral dont worry too much it’s standard for this. It’s used to be within 2 weeks but may be longer now. My 1st mole that was suspicious was removed tested and came back fine. I had a second mole that they checked but left  and  that I was supposed to check myself every 3 month but I had a very stressful year along with a 9 year old and a toddler I forgot and have since found mine has grown. So I’m contacting my drs int he morning. Naturally I’m kicking myself for not checking and my anxiety is sky high but right now I have to push through and get my spoon and referral in. That’s all we can do so. They only way to know is to get it checked properly x

  • Hello,

    This forum isn't really meant for specific medical advice, as unfortunately, we don't offer a diagnostic service, or can comment on symptoms, so you will have to book a GP appointment.

    Skin issues are usually a sign of a more general skin condition, and often not a common sign of skin cancer. But any recent skin change should be checked out by a doctor for peace of mind. 

    We have general information here on our website,

    Hopefully, your GP will be able to advise you further as to what it might be.

    Best wishes,


  • Hello sunnydy and thanks for your post,

    It is good that you are making an appointment and getting your mole checked out.

    Moles are common and most will not be as a result of cancer but it is always a good idea to get them investigated particularly if they look like they have changed shape or grown.

    We do have some information on our website about  melanoma cancer and the melanoma checklist that your GP will use when examining your mole.

    Try not to think too far ahead. You have had moles checked in the past and it sounds like they were benign (not cancer).

    Hopefully you will know more soon.

    If you would like to talk to one of the helpline nurses then you are welcome to give us a ring.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best,
