Basal Cell Carcinoma diagnosis


I was recently diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma on my back, it's an irregular shaped lesion, roughly about 3ish sms square. 

It itches. I've had it years. I thought it was stress as I have a CPTSD diagnosis and autism, plus current non medical major stressors. 

It itched but I managed to ignore the itching for years

I then thought it was eczema, when I got eczema on hands and feet recently, I treated them, plus my back with eczema cream, which helped the hands and feet but not the back, so I thought I would see my GP.

He asked about family history of skin cancer - I have none.

My back has not been exposed to the sun.

I have an olive complexion.

The GP took photos and sent them to Dermatology at my local hospital, who instructed him to make a non urgent referral to Dermatology.

I checked on the hospital website to see wait times, but there was no info available.

I'm not worried. 

It was sore today for the first time. 

I see my GP on Monday about it. 

Friends have been taking photos as GP asked for them.

I don't suppose anyone can tell me what to expect treatment wise.

I assume, worst case scenario would be surgery under local anaesthetic, which is ok by me.

Thanks for reading.