Delay in getting treatment


I’ve been told I need a further operation as my melanoma cancer has spread to more lymph nodes ie an inguinal and supraninguinal lymph node dissection.  Although I was told this would occur within 31 days this is unlikely to happen for at least a couple of weeks after this deadline as the hospital is struggling due to capacity issues.

I’ve explained that I am concerned about the longer wait as my melanoma has a mitotic spread rate of 12 ( usually 1 or 2). Am I right to be worried and what are my options and the effect on my outcome?  I’ve been advised by the consultant not to consider going private for this type of operation and as it is a 6 hour operation with 2 surgeons working on me it would be very expensive.

  • Yes you are right.

    If you have insurance cover, now is the time to use it. If not, you can always get a quote from a private provider and work out whether you can afford it. 

    Most NHS cancer centres now have private wards - the only real difference is the quality of their “hotel services” and the speed of access to treatment.

    Best wishes

  • Hello and thank you for your post,

    I can appreciate your concern about needing to wait for further surgery.

    However, I am afraid that it's not possible to know if this will affect your outcome. There is no certainty that your cancer will spread beyond your lymph nodes, even with a high mitotic rate.

    It does sound like you have discussed this with your specialist team and I have no doubt that will do the surgery as quickly as they can.  

    Wating to have treatment is never easy so I hope you have support. You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care,


  • Thank you for replies.  I will try the nurse.  Unfortunately I’ve been advised that it is not advisable to go down the private sector route.