Mum diagnosed with Tongue Cancer

My Mum has been living with Secondary Breast Cancer for 4 years, she recently got told the cancer had spread, they have been treating it through chemo injections. 
Now they have found cancer on her tongue. 

We don't know the next steps until they do more tests, but I understand that it will likely be treated with an operation. 

My mum is weaker with treatment, and I really don't want to see her suffer through operation and recovery as it seems to be quite intrusive and intense.

What does the operation and recovery look like? (I don't know the name of surgery but it's slicing the tumour out of her tongue)

  • Hello Lillian, and thank you for posting.

    I am sorry to hear about what your mum is going through, that sounds like a difficult time for you all.

    It is hard for us to say how mum would be with the surgery to remove a tongue cancer, and what her recovery would be like, as we are not part of her team. However, what I can say is that the doctors would be discussing mum and only offer surgery that they feel she can cope with, and recover from. 

    It is important that you all feel you understand the treatment that the doctors are offering, and how it will affect Mum. Please write down any questions that you have and ask them when you can next talk to her surgical team or specialist nurse (CNS).

    We do have information on our website on treating tongue cancer if this is at all helpful.

    Take care Lillian, and if it is easier to talk things through then do call our helpline nurses. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9 am till 5 pm Monday to Friday.


  • Thank you so much Sarah, the link is really helpful.