Chemo delay

Had 1st lot of chemo and immune therapy 2 weeks ago for breast cancer triple negative  had single chemo last week and the this week chemo cancelled due to liver result being high what difference will this make to my prognosis 

  • Hi, when my wife was on chemo, her docetaxel treatment was delayed each time because it made her so unwell. The last docetaxel treatment had 4 or 5 weeks between due to liver function and other stuff going on. Upon eventually completing the treatment, she had no visible signs of cancer, thus had obtained a full response. The wait made zero difference. Rushing ahead with treatments is risking severe liver damage, so they are doing the correct thing. Fortunately, the liver can repair itself, so a delay of a week or 2 in the grand scheme of things isn't a major thing. The doctors are there to make you get better, not to risk your life or make you even more unwell, so trust their judgement on this.

    We were worried about the delays too, but it made no difference at all. My wife is over 2 years out from it all now and is still cancer free. So try to heal, relax and trust the doctors. All the best to you, and here's hoping that pesky liver plays ball.

  • Hello and thanks for posting

    Cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and immunotherapy can affect liver function. When this happens doctors will often postpone treatment for a week or two until the liver function has recovered sufficiently to have the next course of treatment.

    Short delays like this are common and are usually unlikely to have an impact on your cancer or prognosis. However, if this was to keep happening then sometimes doctors may have to consider reducing the dose of your drugs.

    I hope you are able to restart your treatment soon. Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,
