
Hi, I had some bloods done recently as I had presented at my GP with lower right abdominal/pelvic/hip pain. My GP had ordered some tests and she rang me yesterday to advise that she is referring me as my CA19.9 level result came back slightly raised at 42 (normal range 0-37). The GP also organised a QFit test for me which came back negative. I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in November 2017 - underwent surgery in December 2017, then 15 sessions (+ 3 boost sessions given my young age) of Radiotherapy which finished up in March 2018. I am still taking Anastrozole. Does the raised CA19.9 level ring alarm bells for you & could it signal a recurrence of breast cancer? I was worried about ovarian cancer but the CA125 result came back within normal range I believe...

  • Hello and thank you for posting. 

    I am sorry that you have these worries about the symptoms you have been experiencing.

    A raised ca19.9 can mean several things. It isn't a cancer-diagnosing blood test but a blood test that shows a rise in a certain protein produced in the body when there is a problem in the abdominal area. This can be caused by some cancers, but also noncancerous conditions like gallstones or infections like gall bladder cholangitis (gallstones) and pancreatitis.

    The Qfit test is used to check the bowel and see if there is blood present in the poo. Blood in poo can be a sign of many different things such as polyps, irritable bowel disease, as well as cancer.

    It is completely understandable that once you have gone through what you have recurrence would be your first thought, but good to remember other things can happen in the body too. Until all the investigations are done, it is only the doctor who will be able to confirm what is causing these pains.

    Take care and if you want to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline the number is Freephone 0808 800 4040. The lines are open from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Friday.
