They reckon my hubby has lung cancer still doing more tests to find which cancer in lung

Just worried to death 

  • Hello and thanks for posting

    I'm sorry about what you and your husband are going through right now. It's understandable to be worried and scared in this situation. Waiting for test results can be incredibly stressful.

    Easier said than done but try and take things one step at a time. I appreciate you wanting to get as much information before you go to the hospital with your husband, but unfortunately it is not possible to anticipate what they are going to tell him.

    Waiting in circumstances like this is never easy but I’m afraid there is no real way round this. Some people find talking it through with family and friends and keeping busy can sometimes help. But until you know more it’s natural to worry.

    I hope you both know more soon. Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,


  • Hello, I am also in a situation similar to you, so I understand some of what you may be going through.  My husband was recently told he had lung cancer as well.

    I am also struggling with the worrying and the waiting. 

  • Hello ElaineDC and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about your situation. I can understand that a new diagnosis produces a lot of uncertainty and worry about the next stages. 

    We do have some pages on lung cancer and how it is treated which you may find helpful to read before any future appointments.

    You can see the information for lung cancer here. Depending on the type of lung cancer is dependent on the type of treatment that he will receive. The doctors will also take in to account the general fitness of your husband and how he would cope with any treatment.

    I hope that you are getting support from friends and family. Try and take one step at a time and don't think too far ahead. There are so many different tests that his doctors will have to review before they decide the best treatment options. Every patient is treated very individually as it is important to work out the best way to treat the patient with their type of cancer.

    I hope this helps. if you would like to talk any of this through with one of the helpline nurses then you are welcome to give us a ring. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best,


  • Hi Wine

    im in the same situation with my mum!! 

    ive spent £5k on private MRI, PET CT scans and now being told need to get a biopsy.

    The real worry at the moment is my mum has a tumour on her spine and it the primary tumour, but it’s causing my mum to lose the power and mobility in her hands.  I’m terrified that in addition to cancer my mum is going to end up disabled.

    I feel like I’m tearing my hair out

  • Hi Susanmc76,

    I just wanted to say I am sorry to learn of your mum's situation, this must be such a worrying time for you all.

    I hope that you can get some answers soon. In the meantime please feel free to call our nurses on the helpline if you need any information or support. We are available between 9 and 5 pm Monday to Friday and the freephone number to call is 0808 808 4040.

    Take care,


  • Hi Susanne , sorry to ask but just wondering how your mum is getting on I’m in the same situation with my nan (age 73) went in hospital with upset stomach to now be told she has secondary lung cancer which is also in her spine, we don’t know what stage as of yet but my nerves are gone :(x

  • Hi Jemma 

    I’m so sorry to hear about your nan.

    My mum has been admitted to the Royal London Hospital as a few of her vertebrae have now collapsed due to the tumour.  Oncology are still conducted investigation to find the primary tumour, surgical to stabilise the spine was supposed to happen yesterday but an MRI was done and surgery cancelled.  No idea why I’m waiting on an update from hospital.

    its a stressful long process.

    has your nan got a treatment plan in place yet?

  • Oh no sorry to hear, she is still under the Assesment medical unit in Aintree Hospital as she also has gastroenteritis so they are still giving IV drips to get her fluids back up, she had another MRI scan but still no news on the prognosis, we haven’t been advised on anything else yet but 24 hours seems to be feeling like months at the minute living a real life nightmare 

  • Hi

    I can totally empathise with how you are feeling!!!  I wake up each day n think what will today hold and how do I navigate through the various NHS departments to try and progress things.

    it’s certainly a test of mental endurance!!  I now have a note book to record questions I have and answers I get, also recording a timeline on what happens each day so I know exactly what has been performed etc