
I had an operation last thursday to remove the Lumpectomy and a Lymph node very sore.

Just waiting for the results which is 4 to 5 weeks.

Everything has been a shock and i am very worried.

Also how soon can i wear a bra after my operation.



  • I wore a bra straight away after the op. I bought some post surgery bras from matalan that give really good support during the day and night times I wear post op bras from primark. No support whatsoever but brilliant for sleeping in and keeping you in place. I believe M&S do some too. It is a very, very, worrying time so try and find something to enjoy that'll help take your mind off the wait. I hope you get good results back x

  • Thanks very much for replying i have sorted a couple of bras out now.

    Thanks again that answered my question x

  • Sleeping can be uncomfortable, I read that heart shaped pillows are really good for your arm/breast area to ease the discomfort. I found out too late to try but people swear by it. Maybe this would help you too. Please try not to worry too much, I know, easier said than done. Cancer treatment has advanced so much. Hopefully you have some lovely friends or family around who are supporting you x

  • Thanks again for replying. Yes i have got some lovely friends and family that are very supportive.

    How are you doing?

  • I'm doing very well thankyou, to the point of feeling guilty that I've come out of this relatively unscathed. 22mm oestrogen + Her2- ductual carcinoma. Mammogram recall in May, lumpectomy and sentinel node removal (4 in total) all done and healed. Very little difference in the look of my breast and a very neat scar. Clear margins and no node involvement. Had my initial radiotherapy meeting on Wednesday and start five days of radiotherapy 22nd August. Five years of hormone blockers. I count myself extremely lucky. I think it's all catching up with me now as I'm in a bit of a funk and feeling low. I should imagine most of us come crashing down at some point. All of it, start to finish is anxiety, stress, fear, every emotion you can think of. But, we are taken care of and treated very swiftly. We are all in this together. Fingers crossed for you !

  • Afternoon, hope you are well. I got good results last Tuesday no Cancer where they took the lump out and no cancer where they took the lymph node out.

    Just waiting now to go for 5 lots of Radiotherapy.

    How are you doing?

  • That's brilliant news ! Do you have hormone tablets to take as well or just the radiotherapy. Only 9 more days until I start my radiotherapy. You must be very relieved. I'm so glad you had good news x

  • Yes i have hormone tablets as well.

    How many lots or Radiotherapy do you have to have and are you on the hormone tablet as well ? X

  • Yes I'm on anastrozole for 5 years. I was so worried about the side effects that I waited five days before I started taking them. I had a slight headache for a few days and very slight nausea but that's been it. Everything has settled down but I know it could be a couple of months for it to be fully in my system. Everything seems okay and I worried for nothing. My radiotherapy is also for 5 days (26 Gy) no idea what the gy is but guess its how much is administered. I also have to have a bone density scan as the tablets can weaken your bones. Slowly getting closer to the end of active treatment.  X

  • Hi Hope your ok. I went to see them yesterday about the Radiotherapy just talking through everything. Its going to be the end of September when i have it. Everybody is so nice. I got a bit emotional again. Sometimes i am ok and then it just starts. Any news yet when you start yours? I am still waiting to go and have the bone density scan heard nothing yet. How about you ? x