Diagnosed with bladder cancer. Will my test results appear on the NHS app?

I’ve have bladder cancer with 2 tumours. I have CT scan this Friday and my removal opp is for end of August, can yo tell me if all my test results will go on my NHS app please ? No one has told me the size of the tumours and I questions about my blood tests, who do I ask ? I do have phone numbers for cancer nurses so should I call them ? The initial shock has worn off now and I’m feeling scared. I can’t remember half of what I was told after the camera thingy as it was a total shock, after a small bleed that lasted a couple of hours then stopped, my wee was the colour of tea before milk, I took a picture and sent it it in to my doctor, I took another sample Monday morning and that was clear but I was fast tracked and my doctor just said not to worry just to get me seen quicker. Can you help please?

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    Not all information goes onto your NHS App in a timely manner. As you have the contact details for your hospital cancer nurse, it would make sense to call them. They can access your electronic patient records, and will hopefully be able to answer your questions, regarding your diagnosis and planned treatment. 

    We have information about bladder cancer treatments on our website here

    I hope this helps,

    Best wishes,
