This is my first post. Just had a very stressful day, not helped by the fact that I suffer severe anxiety and depression. My husband was diagnosed with a suspected bladder cancer 3 weeks ago. The growth is small about 10mm.
He had a TURBT today, went in at 7.30am and was expecting to be discharged today, the registrar was sure that he would be discharged on the same day.
The surgeon said the op went well, there were issues in recovery with his blood pressure dropping low, they have remedied that. He has just phoned me at 9.30pm and said he won't be coming home as he hasn't yet managed to pee.
How common is this? Does this indicate a problem. Has anyone on here had this problem? He is very down about this and I am worried. Am I right in thinking that he will have to have a catheter as a temporary measure?
Thanks for reading.