Pain in one breast


for a coming up to a year now i have had pain around the top of my right breast, i can feel it when i stretch my arm or turn my neck to one side almost like a pulling sensation. Ive been to the doctor twice both times they have said they can feel nothing abnormal but i just want to know why the pain is still there? Im worried what if something has gone unnoticed and under the radar and now too late 

  • Hello and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about the pain that you are experiencing. I can only imagine how frustrating this must be for you. 

    We are unable to diagnose any one on the forum and I can only suggest that you go back and talk to your GP. A supportive bra may help and you could ask if a physiotherapist could perhaps assess the area and perhaps suggest some exercises that may relieve your symptoms.

    You could also try and see another doctor in the practice who may be able to  give another opinion as to the cause.

    The NHS have produced some neck flexibility exercises that might help some of your symptoms.

    I am sure that if the doctor had concerns about your breast they would have considered referring you to a breast clinic but if it is still something that is worrying you then do mention this to the doctor.

    I do hope that it feels better soon.

    All the best,
