Brain secondaries - breast cancer

Hey there

I have been experiencing some mild vision issues and some nausea. I’ve visited the opticians and had an OCT scan and no swelling of optic disk or nerve and no vision issues noted. Would an eye exam always be able to spot a brain tumour if it was impacting vision?

I had breast cancer in 2020 (at 32 yo) so I’m just a little overly conscious.


  • Hi Georgie, and thank you for posting.

    I am afraid I do not know to what extent the optician's assessment would see a brain tumour. It is best that if you have symptoms that are concerning you you speak to your GP. It is only they who would be able to make an assessment and decide if these symptoms need further investigation. You could also make them aware that you have had a recent eye test that has been all ok.

    Take care Georgie and I hope you know more about what is going on for you soon. If you find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline the number is Freephone 0808 800 4040. The lines are open from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday.
