O-RADS4 lesion - will it be removed even if benign?


I'm currently waiting for a consultant appointment and MRI after the discovery of a 2.4cm O-RADS 4 lesion near my right ovary following a transvaginal ultrasound.  There is limited vascularity to it.

I've had a CA125 which came back as 17 - but I'm aware that this can be low/normal even when ovarian cancer is present.

Obviously if the lesion is as suspected, I'll be in for some serious treatment (which terrifies me) but if it's found to be benign, would it still likely be removed anyway?

I'm 47, possibly peri-menopausal.  History of fibroids and ovarian cysts but this is the first time something more sinister has been found.

Thanks in advance


  • Hello and thanks for posting

    I appreciate waiting for medical appointments and a scan when you are worried is stressful.

    O-RADS stands for the Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data System which helps doctors classify the risk of ovarian and other adnexal lesions ( growths). An O-RAD 4 lesion means that there is a risk of malignancy ( cancer) but it doesn't confirm cancer.

    Further tests such as an MRI scan will give a more detailed look at the lesion. Your consultant will use this information to decide what needs to happen next. Sometimes benign tumours have to be removed  if they are causing symptoms such as pain or they have the potential to turn into something more serious. But your consultant will advise you further on this when they have all the test results.

    I hope this reply helps a little. Give us a ring if you would like to talk any of this over.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,


  • Thanks Celene

    I forgot to add that I have another cyst that has displaced my mirena which is how this was all discovered. I've had pain on and off on the right for years so it wasn't taken seriously (previously had a 6cm cyst last year which shrank away). The missing coil was noted at a routine smear so I was referred to see where it was and the lesion was picked up with a 4cm subserosal cyst in front of it - the mirena is shielding the adnexal lesion which is why the mri is needed.

    I presume they'll have to do something to sort the mirena even if the lesion is non cancerous. 

    Finding it hard to talk to anyone as my 14yo is on school holidays and home all the time. I work from home so get no space to make a call to yourselves or my work EAP.

    I know I just have to be patient but I've not slept more than a couple of hours since the call with the gp last week. Thanks for listening